About the Artist

Hello fellow artists!
My name is Rhea, and I look forward to sharing my work with you this semester and seeing yours! The digital realm is something that has always fascinated me ever since I was a kid. So naturally, I was ecstatic when I discovered I could digitize my art! I have always been inspired by claymation, particularly Wallace and Gromit (Nick Park) and movies by Adam Elliot. The desire to animate and claymate projects of my own has fueled my desire to pursue digital art. Last semester I completed my first claymation, which was quite exciting, to say the least. I look forward to working with programs like blender so I can bring some more characters to life! Learning digital software has also deepened my interest and style in photography. Using programs like photoshop, I enjoy creating my own images by manipulating shots taken on a camera. Digital art has informed my photographic process by allowing me to bring fantasy and imagination to “real world” scenes. Outside of the digital world, I enjoy just about every other medium under the sun. Over the past several years I have focused mainly on sculpture using natural and found objects/wood/metal/clay. I recently revived my love for poetry. Much of my work (mainly drawings) includes humorous captions and so I have been experimenting with creating longer poems to accompany my pieces.